28. Trusting + Making Smart Investments

Welcome back to another episode of the Soul Purpose Driven Podcast~~

In this week's episode, we’re talking about MONEY honey! And the power of making SMART investments in yourself and your business.

I share on…

Knowing how to give your money an intention in a soul-led way Creating soul-led wealth as healers and intuitive The different types of investments and when to make what kind of investment Choosing the right investment to propel you and your business forward Why you should invest in yourself FIRST and your business second Different ways you can invest in yourself and your business How to make smart, intentional investments that will have a return~~ either energetic or financial Trusting that investing is expanding your potential Playing in the possibility money holds

And SO much more.

We all have so much we can learn from investing in ourselves~~ even those ones that don’t go the way we plan.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro at investing in yourself or maybe you’ve never invested in yourself before, this episode is for you! I’m sharing my experience with investing so that you can embody your soul-led CEO archetype and hopefully learn from my mistakes ;)

Katelyn Annemarie