18. How to Prepare for Effective + Impactful Sales Calls

Have you wondered how to actually have an *impactful* sales call?

Many soulpreneurs come to me with lots of feelings around sales calls. 

*Cue discomfort, pressure, wounds.

This is all about *empowered decisions* on all ends. Sales should be CONSENSUAL meaning both parties are empowered by this energetic exchange.

And *surprise*, most people have past sales wounds that made them feel disempowered & like they are being "sold to". 

Not the best feeling, right?

Well, there is another way.

Empowered sales calls invite you to understand your energy & the energy/dosha of your potential client. 

Here are a few ways to hold an impactful sales call.

Be mindful of your own energy Ground Your Energy Implement a Client Process - this allows you to get to know the potential client Utilize the elements to create a beautiful call (fire, earth, air, water, ether) Hold Space For Your Client - *LISTEN* to what they are really saying

What are some of your biggest questions about sales calls?

 Feel free to tag me on Instagram! Handle Below!


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Katelyn Annemarie