24. Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Breaking Through Fear with Joe Rignola

Entrepreneurship, Spirituality, All the Things

In this episode we dive into inner child healing, mindset, and breaking through fear to thrive as an entrepreneur. 

This episode focuses on the most important things every entrepreneur needs to know, do and commit to if they want to succeed.

Joe, owner of 4 successful businesses, shares about his journey through:

Business Burnout Health Challenges Developing a Spiritual Practice Being a Health Coach Becoming a Film-Maker

Joe reminds us all to HAVE FUN with our work, trust,  step out from behind the curtain and move beyond the story in your head.


Even if you don't have the best lighting, hair, camera.

Not starting is simply fear, resistance and illusion.

Begin to observe those thoughts & not attach to those thoughts of not being good enough.

"You are not your thoughts."

This is the time to TRUST yourself, the Universe, your friends and know you are always taken care of.

The reality of entrepreneurship is that you are really stepping into the UNKNOWN. 

How can you show up and TRUST?r

Joe Rignola is an entrepreneur, digital marketer and film maker.


Katelyn Annemarie